Sustainable living with style is not just an ideal, it is a skill set.

1. It starts at the spiritual level with a mind set for growth, for inner peace, for peace with your surroundings, for goal setting. SOFT stands for Speak Out For Truth, which gathers ancient and recent wisdom and strategies for creating your best life.

2.It goes on with knowledge, life-time learning. The programs we have for that is WOWcollege for highschool and college level, and WOWuniversity for college and university level, a way to organize the wealth of excellent online education.

3.Healthy , toxin-free diet and care and exercise are another level . You can learn all about that in the e4dc. See also the Scentses facebook page , the Dandhea facebook page and the Dandhea website

4. And then we have the step of sustainable living itself, the practice of cleaning and building using products, materials and methods that are as toxin- free and sustainable as possible. The products in Scentses are made according to the e4dc guidelines, which you can learn for free, and OOR4Uguilde is where we learn about sustainable living, building and permaculture gardening together. Look here for the OOR4Uguilde facebook page.

We have made non-toxic, sustainable, healthy living a priority for 20 years now, and have 8 years of experience with sustainable living with style. There is a lot of excellent information as well as misinformation out there. Let’s find the gems and avoid the pitfalls, and have the best life possible!

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