First of all, what do you think about when you think of wealth?

The tendency is to think of financial wealth, right?

But that is only one form of wealth, and it is the lowest form as well.

Anyone who has given up anything for it can tell you, it wasn’t worth it.

Many people who finally get their millions are overwhelmed by a feeling of emptiness. Their financial wealth did not bring them what they thought it would. It did not bring real wealth.

Because we can be rich in many areas. Finances is just one of them.

You can be rich in peace, rich in faith, rich in holiness, rich in wisdom, rich in fairness, rich in knowledge, rich in intelligence, quick witted, rich in humor, rich in love, rich in friendships, rich in family, rich in health, rich in talents, rich in forgiveness, rich in inner peace, rich in grace, rich in generosity, rich in kindness, rich in joy, rich in limberness, rich in beauty, rich in discipline, rich in cleanliness, rich in lovely scents, rich in the beauty of nature you are surrounded with. Being able to go to sleep when you are tired and get up when you are rested, having a warm bed, clean clothes, a warm shower, that too is wealth. You can probably think of a ton of other areas you can be rich in. I’d love to know what you come up with! Place them in the comments!

Don’t you believe that financial wealth is the lowest form of wealth?

Then think, what multimillionaire would not give his last penny to be healthy if he were confronted with a fatal disease, his own or of those he loves?

And remember, we are told to gather our riches in heaven, but we are also told that we are blessed when we are poor in spirit, when we mourn, when we are persecuted for following Yeshua.

So while we are told to use our talents to serve others and wealth , including financial wealth, is often a logical outcome, not succeeding is not a sign we are cursed. There may be something better for us out there. There might be something we need to learn first that Our Heavenly Father finds more important than wealth.

But still, when those bills need to be paid, and the finances are not there, you tend to forget how wealthy or blessed you may be in other area’s.


Now , more than ever, you need to realize your strengths, and use them to serve others.

Don’t sacrifice your joy , your health or your integrity for finances. Nothing can replace that. It’s like trading gold for lead.

You need to be excited about your work to have fun doing it, and you need to believe in what you do in order to get excited about what you do.

You cannot be excited about your work if you are required to lie or pollute in order to keep your job.

You cannot trick yourself into loving what you don’t love. You need to find out what it is you love to do, and then apply that to make the world a better place for everyone and fulfill your needs as well.

Not listening to your heart is an unsustainable way of living, and also of attracting wealth of any kind.

So first you have to discover your soul purpose.

These books and coaches and tips can help you with that.

Sole to Soul by Melissa Hughes. Melissa Hughes was a CEO in fortune 500 companies before she started on her mission to improve 10 million lives. She coached Lisa Nichols and went with her on the World Tour.

Find your purpose and stand in it rather than sit in it, Melissa says. I understand that to be that you should always keep checking if what you are doing is in alignment with what you believe in, and when you find it is not, you should be light on your feet to change your ways so that you are in alignment with your soul purpose at all times.

My favorite tip I got from her during one of her webinars: trust The Holy Spirit 100%. I became aware that I was always intellectualizing what He did, and that I should see Him more as a dance partner. You are a horrible dancer if you don’t trust your dance partner 100 percent.

She also says that when you envision your day each morning, don’t just imagine what you will do, also imagine how you will feel while you do it. I would add how you want to look, what you want to hear, what you want to smell, what you want to taste.

She teaches to embrace all of who you are, the good, the bad, the quirky, your talents, your training, your skills and use that to serve humanity.

These are the tips she gives for doing that:

1.Be crystal clear about your goal, document your when and have an action plan. Not only write your goal out, also identify how you want to feel during the journey. Have Pride in the Process.

2. Have an action plan. Write it down. Know where you are going to be at what time.

3. Eliminate any habits that are not supporting you (sorry not sorry). Get rid of any bad attitudes. You need to exhibit self discipline and self control. There should be evidence that you really want what you want. Keep your eye on the prize.

4. Mitigate your distractions Eliminate the distractions. Make sure you stay focussed on your goal. Your why has to be bigger than the distractions. Let nothing get in the way of your why.

5.Imagine your day in the morning before you start it, and imagine how you will feel. Set yourself daily goals. Create before you get in your day.

6. Please avoid procrastination. Use this as your springboard to get forward. Be fully present, do the work and be of service. Keep on stepping in the direction that gets you the results you want.

7. Manage your time. There is a lot of freedom in managing your time and meeting your commitments.

8. The hardest that you have to do, do that first. Make that the first thing you do. Get the heavy lifting out of the way first.

9. Implement the 80/20 rule. 20 percent of your work gets you 80 percent of the results. If you have limited time, focus on the most effective things. If you are in business, marketing and sales are very important. Delivery is also important, but if you have no clients, you have nothing to deliver. What are you doing to get new clients? What are you doing to let people know you are there to serve them? What does that look like, every day a little stronger. If you manage your time appropriately, you know when to do that. So Tuesday through Thursday may be your client acquisition days. You may have 2 hours Tuesday through Thursday to do that. You want to make sure that how you use your time is wisely with the right things.

She also says that if you don’t have a system, you don’t have a business, you have a hustle. She isn’t called the queen of implementation for nothing.

Another break through moment I had with her was when she asked in the webinar “If money were a person, how would you describe it and what your relationship with it would look like?”

My answer was:

“Hi Melissa! You ask how we would describe money if it were person, and what our relationship with it would look like. Here is my answer: “If money were a person, she would be a fair-weather friend. There when times are good, gone when they are not. Money has no mind of her own.A slave to authority, prone to follow whoever is in charge, whether they are morally sound or not. Money is not very smart, and needs guidance. I would feel sorry for her and try to help her. Try to teach her right from wrong, and if she would not want to learn, I would try and guide her on straight paths, so she does no harm.”

Upon reflection on this I realized how messed up my perception of money was. I was giving it a far too large role and I was hostile towards it. With an attitude like that, no wonder it runs from me.

I would now say “Money is a mirror to whoever owns her. She just reflects exactly what people do and goes wherever she is brought. Yet people revere her as a goddess and assign powers to her she does not have. Some do wicked things to get her and do much harm with her once they have her. She is blamed for people’s wickedness, but she can’t help it. She is also honored for people’s achievements, but she just reflects them. She can do nothing on her own. It’s the people using her who do it all. I am sorry I was angry with her and want to make it up to her,treat her as she deserves, guide her on straight paths and stop blaming her for what others do in her name without her having a say in the matter”

Melissa stresses that your attitude towards money is essential for being able to attract and manage it well.

Reflecting on this also made me realize how many types of wealth there are.

You keep on hearing it’s never about the money, it’s always about the mindset. What do people even mean by that?

Let’s check some articles:

Money Mindset

5 Key Ways To Improve Your Money Mindset

10 Best Tips to Change Your Mindset About Money

Melissa also says negative self talk shows up and it’s not cute. She had me with that one. She is absolutely right. You think that you can treat yourself any way you want, but loving your neighbor as yourself and doing for others what you would wish they would do for you includes you as well. You don’t get anywhere if you don’t love yourself. It’s the measure for loving others. It’s unnatural not to love yourself. We are taught it is modesty,but it’s not. It’s arrogant to reject yourself. If you do that you are rejecting the work of Our Heavenly Father, and pretending your opinion of you is more important than His. He made you and loves you, and He sees in secret and rewards you for what you do in secret. So nothing is hidden from Him. Your self talk included.

I’m not crazy about the companies Melissa chooses as examples, since they are notorious for being either racist or destroying the environment.

Let’s face it, if those of us who do care about people , the environment and all life ,would work as efficiently on protecting life as big companies work on destroying it, we might just have a chance. So I will gladly learn from them how to work efficiently, and then apply it to wholesome goals instead of destructive ones.

If you have an honest job that truly helps people and the world, there is much honor in that , no matter what the level is, even if it is supposedly at the lowest level, because remember what Yeshua said? Don’t rule but serve. Many of those doing the lowest level work are the highest.

And if you have bosses that are making mistakes, you can set them straight. You will probably walk away from that conversation with a promotion, because honesty is appreciated and rewarded by the upright. If not you can become a whistleblower, and if your country does not have laws against the kind of corruption you face, you can become an activist or a writer.

Before you confront your boss, plan your exit from a destructive company wisely. Make sure you have other forms of income so you can keep paying your bills if the conversation does not go well.

All wealth begins with following your conscience,. Anything acquired by not doing so is a loss, not a gain.

Dr. Paul Crites says:

How to discover your purpose. Every person is born with a purpose.

Ask 4 questions:

1.What do you love? That reveals a gift that’s in you.

2.What do you hate? That’s what we were born to fix.

3.What makes you cry? Where we hurt the most, that’s what we are best in fixing. What hurt us the most we heal best.

4.What annoys you? That’s what you’re best at solving.

Your purpose will keep you going when everyone else stops.

Michel Neray says:

-What you do is your product

-How you do what you do is your brand

-Why you do what you do how you do it is your story.

Ikigai  basically means that you plan your activities at the intersection between what you love, your mission, what you are good at, your passion, your profession, your vocation, what the world needs and what you can get paid for.

Find your Ikigai.

For practical tips about how to order your life and mind so you are efficient, ZEST coach Linda Babulic has excellent tips.

Your business and your life should merge together fluently.

Are you struggling with your business? Tips from business strategist Linda Babulic , author of “Zest your life”

Linda has a resumé a mile long. and has succesfully coached a large range of people in all walks of life into a Zestier way of being.

I discovered Melissa and Michel at Linda’s Zest Fest, June 2019.

Classic quotes by Linda Babulic:

“Fire the itty, bitty, shitty committee in your head that tells you to stay small, that tells you you do not deserve better.”

“Fear, the “F” word, is like a log on the river of your life, blocking the flow.”

“Rephrase what you say and improve your life.”

“Let your emotions guide you, but not lead you.”

“When someone has power over someone else, no one is free. It’s like having someone down with a foot on their neck. Neither can move.”

“Personal appearance is how you look. It’s what you bring into a room. Image is what you leave behind. Image is how other people see you, and it is how you see yourself. Make a positive impression on yourself first!”

“Leaving a legacy is more than leaving money after you die. It is leaving a love print on everyone’s heart each and every day. “

“Lies are not zesty. The truth is.”

This is how I understand her ZEST message:

So it is a zoom in, zoom out idea. When you are overwhelmed, zoom in on one thing at a time. When you are bored, zoom out and see the overall goals to regain interest in the smaller ones by seeing how they bring you closer to the larger goals.

It’s a great way to give yourself dopamine shots during the day, and it’s a great way to commit all your works to the Lord, since if you have a clear beginning and a clear goal every moment of the day, dopamine is a result of goal achievement. So you are always either planning, or doing.

You can consciously commit your works to the Lord, for which success is promised in Proverbs 16:3.

This way every task can come full circle: a beginning, a middle and an end. The beginning is the plan, the middle is the execution of the plan, the end is cleaning up after you are done, and also giving thanks to Yeshua for your success.

You are never wasting time.

It is also a way of keeping your mind in gear, to prevent being taken over by the subconscious, which holds the danger of getting trapped in negativity.

The immune system is suppressed by stress1, and telomeres are shortened, While the mind can also lengthen telomeres2 by thought. Stand up for principles. That creates community3. Once the heart opens up, the heart becomes an amplifier for the brain. It makes oxytocin, and it fits the stress receptors in the brain4, making it impossible to still feel anger5. So using the brain as a map to the future is an important skill. Otherwise it becomes a slave to the past. This is scientifically proven6.

In this way you can also create “rest in work”, since you can focus fully on every little part, leaving no loose ends, as Meir Ezra would say. Do it, do it completely, do it right, and don’t worry about the next thing while doing the current one. Allow yourself to be fully focussed. Your 100% is good enough. Nothing less will do. Surrender to the process and trust in the outcome when you use left brain and right brain focus. Left brain is the conscious rules you abide by, viewing from the outside in, making sure that what you produce is also what you like, and right brain, the creative directly led byThe Holy Spirit. You need both to succeed. So you set your constant little goals that contribute to the overall goals.

My most impressive “aha moment ” with Linda came from her lake meditation, which made me realize I had people in my family I had not forgiven yet, while I thought I had. In Yeshua’s Teaching forgiveness is a prerequisite for being forgiven, so that was a huge revelation for me, and it made a big difference in my life when I consciously forgave them.

I would describe your soul purpose as your personal way of contributing to creating paradise on earth, as described in Micah 4:4 and Isaiah 11:6-9, everyone their own grapevine and their own fig tree, no one afraid of another, and the earth so full of wisdom that even the animals don’t hurt us or each other. No more death or disease, no more sorrow.

Within that overall goal we each have our part to play in attaining that, applying our talents to spread our gifts and thus attract wealth.

It’s like in the movie Robots

“See a need, fill a need.”

You can elaborate on that:

See a mess, clean a mess

See a pain,  sooth a pain

See a tear, wipe a tear.

Find Linda’s book ZEST you Life, a Taste of inner Wisdom here.

Meir Ezra, a spiritual entrepreneur, emphasizes the importance of words.

He says successful entrepreneurs know 25% more words and use 5% less. He stresses the importance of knowing exactly what you say. It is because of him I changed the title of this piece from “making money” to “attracting wealth”, because , as he rightfully stresses, you do not make money. Depending on where you live either the Federal Reserve does that, or the government or the central bank. You don’t make it, you either attract or repel it by your actions.

He advises against using the word “selling”, and recommends using the word “helping” instead.

He teaches the 5 second rule. If something is hard, just divide it into blocks of 5 more seconds. You can do anything for 5 more seconds.

I also met him at Linda’s Zest Fest.

He shares many nuggets of wisdom, but I’m not sure if I understand everything he says. Here for example he says that the only value people have is in how many people they can help. I understand what he means, and partially agree, but I do think there exceptions. What If you are sick? You can’t help anyone, but you still have value. And in this logic, someone who helps one very ill person who takes up all his or her time would be worth less than someone who helps one hundred. I don’t think that is the case, and perhaps he says this because he wants a discussion.

You have value because you exist and because you are created and valued by Our Heavenly Father. If you are doing His will, which is doing as Yeshua says, which is doing unto others what you would wish they would do unto you, He is pleased with you and you are His child. If not, He misses you and is happier with your return to Him than with one hundred people who do not need saving, like you would be when your child was missing and you found him or her again. That’s what we are to Him. That determines our value. in my opinion.

If we were only here to help others, how would we get value by helping people who can’t help others and are thus worthless theory?

I do think a lot of people think this way, and then turn people who need no help into fake help projects while ignoring those who really do need help.

So I would tweak that into that you always need to help as many people as possible in any way you possibly can. And so also not more than you can, because then you end up helping people badly.

And when helping people, don’t make them feel needy and inferior. You help people by honoring them realizing they are doing you a favor too by trusting you to help them.

Harv Eker advises you make three changes a day and Lisa Nichols says you should make needle point changes every day to become more efficient.

As Harv Eaker points out, 3 small changes a day makes over 1000 a year!

I made a little song about that, something you can sing to motivate yourself if a task seems too big to complete. Realize it just takes small changes daily to have big results in time. And you don’t have to compare yourself to others, just to yourself yesterday and try to do better, and celebrate every tiny progress towards your goal, and have grace for yourself if you don’t succeed. Learn and try to do better next time.

To the tune of Aretha Franklin’s Respect

Just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit more perfect each day (2x)

Small changes, tiny changes, minute changes, needle point changes, (2x)

Another helpful book:

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Audiobook Full Version by Stephen R. Covey
1. Be proactive

2. Begin with the end in mind. I would like to tweak that to “Begin with an end in mind.”So set your goals, and be on purpose always, but also be aware that while we have our oplans, our Heavenly father has His. So be open to His bigger plan so you don’t miss out on what He has in store for you if you listen to Him.

3. Put first things first

4. Think win-win. I would like to tweak that to think “win-win-win-win. ” When you put Our Heavenly Father and Yeshua first, it is not just your client and you, but also humanity as a whole, earth and Yeshua who wins.

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood

6. Synergize

7. Sharpen the saw
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Summarypart 1 2
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Angela Durant teaches the 5 pillars of a legacy brand, using the acronym LASER.

1. Legacy. What do you want to build that will outlast you? Why the business exists . People pay a premium because of meaning.

A. Authenticity: is what I say. She says Brand archetypes: Secret Sauce. They tell a story and they are a short cut to meaning.

S.Your Story. Wherever you go, you take your brilliance with you.

E. Expression, everyone looks for that . What is the look and feel of the brand.? Some brands have a signature scent. We remember scent.

R. Results: A business and a brand should not live independently. They should work together.

Training Tuesday October 11 2021 on monetizing your message.

Angela quotes Arthur Ashe:

I found some more excellent Arthur Ashe quotes:

Monetizing starts with your message.

Get your message very tight.

We all have a story.

We have a message that can start a movement.

In order to monetize your message you need to be able to

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you really do?
  3. Why does it matter?

1.If you don t know who you are and what you have to offer, you don’t know what to charge. You will give it away, throw it away, or sell it cheap.

Angela says here entrepreneurial spirit was born the day she was fired from her job in corporate America.

She attached her worth to the job. She realized she was more than the job. She is more than the job.

She started asking: who am i in the world.

It is not about the doing.

Most people have alphabet soup behind their names.

You already know so much you can already help someone irght now.

Really understand who you are and stand in that.

No matter where you go, no matter what you do, you are brilliant, and wherever you go you take your brilliance with you.

People may not like you, but they love your gift.

Wherever you go, you take your gift with you.

2. What do you really do? Have clarity around that.

Angela gives high achieving women the clarity of what they have.

If someone lets you go, no problem, know that you are brilliant.

Clarity about who you ae and what you carry, and confidence that you can create your magic anywhere.

You choose, you are in control of your life.

You don t want to have to ask for permission to go on vacation. You can say “I am a farmer.” Or you can say “I feed the world. “

What do you do that none else can do?

3. Why does it matter?

The new marketing is about meaning. Why we matter.

A plain white shirt is a dollar. As soon as there is a Nike symbol on it, it is 30 dollars.

Items with a story are more valuable than the plain objects. That’s because they give more than the item,. They inspire, and that is priceless, as well as something everyone is looking for.

It is logical to be confused how to do it right. After all, we are told we need to develop our talents, but we are also told who loses himself will find it. How can you develop your talents if you lose yourself?

As with so many Bible texts, you find the answer when you actively imagine how it is done. And when you make a picture of how you can imagine Our Heavenly Father wants us to be, and how Yeshua served Him, you see that balance of self awareness without selfishness. It is also how the good Samaritan helped the broken man. He did what he could, and then let others take over and went on his way. He went out of his way to help the wounded man, but did not give up his way to help him. He did what he could within reason, and then organised for the man to have better help then he could ever provide, because there were others who have caring for others as the calling on their life and are better equipped to do so than we could ever be.

Do what you can with joy. No less, but also no more. Just as you don’t want to be a burden to others, others don’t want to be a burden to you.

Once you discovered your soul purpose, here are ways that you can spread your gifts and attract wealth:

Publishing books


How to Turn a Microsoft Word Document Into an Ebook (EPUB)

April 13, 2021 by Jane Friedman

How to Format a Book: 7 Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Posted on  | by Chandler Bolt

How to Convert a Word Document to Epub

How to publish a book on Amazon and earn money for each sale

25 Authors Share One Thing They Wish They Knew Before Publishing Their Book

August 14, 2019 by Lindsey Cruz

Write to Market: Deliver a Book that Sells (Write Faster, Write Smarter 3) Kindle Edition

Can I create multiple identities in Amazon KDP?

OK, I’ve had the same sort of question as the OP. And I’ve seen here at KB two different sorts of answers — just as with this thread:

1. You can have up to 3 pen names.
2. You can have unlimited pen names.

Perhaps I’m totally misunderstanding all this. I’ve not yet published anything at KDP, just have an opened account that I’ve never really done anything with yet. Maybe I just need to look around the KDP pages/site more?

But it seems odd to me that here and in at least a couple of other threads I’ve seen in recent months, answers seem to vary between 3 pen names to unlimited pen names?

Anybody got a link to clarify that? Am I not understanding the whole KDP author setup?



Business Insider, published

Top 10 Self-Publishing Companies: A 2018 Guide for First-Time Authors

How many words are there to a page? It depends on the font you are using, of course, but in general, 250-300 words per page. Therefore, a 55,000 word book should be about 200 manuscript pages. A 100,000 word book would be about 400.

These books are generally heftier in general, so for a 150-page book you can target 45,000 words and 60,000 words for a 200-page book

Here we have three common print fonts with distinct uses. Baskerville is great for long-form novels. Then we have Interface; a great web font that is also used for magazines and textbook printing. And last we have Courier, a classic ‘typewriter’ font, that you wouldn’t expect to see in a book but is great for newspapers. Three printable fonts, each with appropriate uses.

I like to write in Trebuchet. My Google Docs and MS Word default to Trebuchet. I just think it’s a nice, clean font that looks good on my screen. Yet I would never print a book in Trebuchet. It’s not designed for print, plain and simple. It behooves authors and book creators to separate what looks good on your screen and what looks good in print. The two are hardly ever the same.

So what is a font for printing?

Okay, I won’t leave you hanging. We’ll end today with my top fonts for fiction and nonfiction works. When you’re making your own choices, be sure to keep in mind common fonts for your genre and your own book layout. Finding the right typeface means that it serves the book and reader.

Choosing Wisely For Print

When it comes to eBook fonts, we recommend you use only ONE font in your book, and that it be a standard one: Arial, Times New Roman, or Courier. Fancy fonts (especially fancy serif fonts) might look great, but oftentimes they are converted into strange characters and symbols.

Like the font itself, the font size will be customizable by the reader. The conversion process will go smoothly if you avoid very large or very small font sizes. We recommend 12 point font size for body text and 14-18 point for chapter titles.

The most widely used typefaces for book body text include Baskerville, Bembo, Garamond, Janson, Palatino, and Times Roman (although this more of a newspaper font). Sans serif fonts may be difficult to read for an entire book.

3. If using a sans serif font for body text (Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, etc.), do not use smaller than 8pt. size. If using a serif font for body text (Berkeley, Palatino, Garamond, etc.), do not use smaller than 10pt. size.

4. Typography convention holds that sans serif faces should be used for display headers and book covers while serif typefaces are used for body text to ease readability.

5. Use larger point sizes for display headers, and much larger point sizes for your book’s cover .

Serif fonts help with readability, and are therefore preferable in the body of a book. The “serif” is the decorative stroke that finishes each end of a letter (think Times Roman). Serif fonts are easier on the reader’s eye than sans-serif fonts; the stroke leads the reader’s eye from one letter to the next.

We polled our book designers, and one of the top choices for the body of a book is the friendly and warm “Caslon.”

Screen Shot 2019-12-02 at 11.16.44 AM

Caslon refers to a family of fonts first designed in 1722 by William Caslon I, an English type engraver. It was used extensively by the British Empire and throughout the American colonies, and was in fact used to set the Declaration of Independence! Caslon continues to be one of the most popular fonts today, with multiple offshoots, versions and interpretations. When used in body text, this font conveys an inviting and readable feeling. It gives a feeling of a human touch, with warmth and familiarity. Caslon is a good choice not just for historical novels, but also anytime a solid and dependable feeling is desired.

Other good font choices are:

Garamond— Developed in the 16th Century by Parisian engraver Claude Garamond, it is a popular font for books.

Jenson—A more recent addition to the world of fonts, Jenson was developed specially for Adobe Systems, but is based on a text face cut by Nicolas Jenson in Venice around 1470. Jenson is considered a highly readable typeface.

Minion—Likewise, Minion was created in 1990 for Adobe Systems, and like other readable fonts, is based on a classical style of typeface.

Palatino—This font, released in 1949, was intended mainly for headings and short lines of text, such as ads, invitations, and the like. However, it became popular for book text and was tweaked to improve readability.

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Price for Your Book.

Bisac is like the category, key words are the librarian helping you find the book.

And here you can turn your pdf into an ebook, just like that!

Here is information on how you can pre-sell books.

Selling your superfluous things

Make money and help the environment by selling clothes you have no use for anymore:

Make money from your website

27 Legit Ways to Make $200 a Day Online – Guaranteed

ByAnna BarkerMay 17, 2021

37 Highest Paying Online Jobs to Make Serious Money

ByAnna BarkerMay 25, 2020

How To Make Money Online From Home: Top 14 Best Online Jobs in 2021

9 Different Ways to Earn Money Singing

Maria Rygge from Awesm gave me the best explanation I ever heard of what a sales funnel is in the following webinar:

How to sell your knowledge online

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I am now following this one, which is excellent

Ethical marketing

Mark Walsh identifies and exposes the uneasy feelings around marketing so clearly and flips it around so masterfully, Some deep learning he offers here. Very profound and brilliant.

Many of us are victims of the Pauline idea that money is the root of all evil and literally feel sick by the idea of marketing and sales and money.

Mark makes you aware of that and flips that completely around in one session!

Marketing is not evil, it is evil not to market! Like not telling you have the solution to someone’s problem.

The jedi -sith comparison in marketing strategies is powerful. That’s exactly what it is. Energy either used in a good or a bad way, not the energy itself that is inherently good or bad.

I also love how he links believing in your product to integrity versus selling what you don’t believe in to lack of integrity.

Wealth is not having to worry about money.

You need the inner and outer skill of marketing.

Reframe of what marketing is.

Sith and Jedi marketers.

What not to do, or Sith marketung (the bad guys)

Make people feel bad


smash and grab

What to do, or Jedi marketing:


Money marketing and business are a form of power.

Marketing is just telling people how you can help them!

Building relationships that may or may not end in sales.

Being empathic, being a good listener is the heart of marketing.

Creativity is also a good marketing skill.

If you are hungry, I have a sabdwich. That is marketing.

Niching is offering a certain sandwich.

What kind of sandwich is also Marketing.

Seeing if you are a good fit, like romance.

That way you get the pushiness out.

Marketing us the romance of getting to know your customers.

Relationship of mutual benefit.

You provide a Newsletter, he subscribes.

Marketing is building a relationship that may end in slaes.

Life’s too short to deal with people you don’t like.

Both want a fit. Saying that you are looking for a fit takes the pushiness out of marketing.

Telling people how you can meet their needs is loving.

Relationship building in an area of trust and intamicy.

First date is coffee in a public place.

A 45 minute zoom

A beneficial mutual relationship.

Freely exchange time money and services.

Not only is marketing not evil,

Not marketing is evil!

Marketing is an ethical imperative.Telling people you can meet their needs is a good thing.

Marketing is a form of self care.

Not learning marketing is a subtle form of self abuse. You re harming yourself and you are keeping your gift from other people if you don’t market.

If you learn you don’t fail. You always learn

You need to see the value what you do, see how it benefits people, then there is no guilt in receiving money for it.

If you don’t feel what you offer is a good thing , and you continue to offer it anyway, you lack integrity. If you don’t believe in your product, don’t sell it. Have some integrity. Only offer what you believe in.

Seeing marketing as unethical and not realizing there is an ethical way of marketing can hold your succes back big time. I have been looking for a solution for a long time, and he nailed it in one video.

He makes many more wonderful comparisons, so take a look:!

The second video is brilliant as well:

Find your niche and rock it!

Each one of us has a niche – an area of embodiment, teaching, coaching where you feel most comfortable, most at home. A practice you know inside out that you were born to offer…

Today’s session is about finding that niche, rocking it and becoming a respected name in that space.

The notes I made:

Get a niche


By trying to please everyone, please no one.

Would you trust a florist who was also a butcher and a yoga teacher?


Mark likes a hairdresser who just gives a haircut and that’s it.

Someone else may like chatty, friendly hair dressers

Erica, with whom Mark presents this video. likes one in between

You can have many interests, but you are known for what you choose.

Choose what you can put out there.

Your niche is for people like you.

Who do you love working with and who are you good at working with.

That’s your niche.

Usually you feel your way to it, see who’s drawn to you, see who is happiest with your services and who you are happiest serving.

I also like how he stresses that giving freebies is giving freebies. It should not be with the hope you will sell in the back of your mind. That will give it a creepy feeling.

And Erica says you should not tie your self worth on whether or not you sell. So don’t feel inferior if you don’t sell, and don’t get arrogant if you do, Mark adds. He gives a money back guarantee, that’s how sure he is of his method, and I can see why.

Here is the link to his free course:

In the third session he gives tips about good marketing and copy writing and emphasizes he inner work that needs to be done to remove the blockages against marketing. He gives some exercises for that as well, good stuff.

Mark shares here what he does to make sure he stays authentic. He reads out loud al emails before he sends them as well as all copy write material, and asks: “does this sound like me?”

If you feel like a d*** when you speak out your website or your emails, then you are probably not being authentic.

Marketing has to solve a problem.

Who loves what they do but are s*** at selling it?

Better than saying who is professional at their work and you are not good at marketing.

Get the word “I” out of your marketing. People don’t care .about you. They just care how they can benefit.

Get the jargon out.

Copy writing:

Know your niche so you can speak their language and the benefits that would appeal to them. Do that authentically. That is 90 percent of what any copy writer will teach you.

He kind of messes up his own point when he compares marketing to selling yourself,. That was the whole point. You are not selling yourself. The idea that you are is what makes us cringe at marketing, But in his earlier sessions he explains, it’s not you. It’s a product or service you created that you are offering, it’s not you. You are not for sale, You are invaluable. Just your creation, your product, your sandwich, that you can help someone with who is hungry.

I could even go as far as saying marketing is answering to Yeshua’s call to be peacemakers. Meeting needs is also being a peacemaker. His call to be neighbors. Meeting people’s needs is also being a neighbor. To shout from the rooftops what Yeshua says in secret, because noone puts a lamp under a bushel. You get your treasures from the attic, dust them off, and put them on display and make them available for whoever needs them. That’s using your talents to get more instead of burying them, and we all know how that ended for the lazy servant. So ethical marketing really is being obedient to Yeshua, and thus a spiritual practice.

Otherwise another excellent session from Mark Walsh.

Day 4:

The Marketing Dojo sessions are for coaches, trainers, facilitators – anyone working with the body through yoga, dance, martial arts, meditation etc. But more specifically, people wanting to: • Get more (and better) clients • Build a better relationship with money • Learn how to sell your work more authentically • Actually enjoy selling your work and passion • Earn a healthy, sustainable income doing what you love

In this session Mark recaps what marketing is:

Trust buidling , relationship building, meeting a need.

Marketing can be love.

Marketung is live

Not marketing is a selfish, evil thing to do.

Let people know how you can help them.

Not everyone, it’s about the fit.

A match is a fit between the buyers needs and the sellers genius.

The need is the problem theywant solved, and also their need and style.

Which problem you solve for who and in what way?

What special sauce do you have?

The special ingredient is you.

If you are you, you have no competition Erica says.

If you want no competition, be more and more you.

Look at your own history, untangle your own wound.

Erica tells about her journey:

But why are these women burning out.

They are too nice.

Once she had that phrase, all the how of marketing fell in place..

Good marketing comes from your pain.

Mark cannot market on confidence because he has always been comfident.

He does do marketing because he feels he was rubbish in that.

Look what you can enjoy.

Give yourself 3 months.

How much time and emotional energy does it take before it gives you back.

If you are using social media for sales, that’s not good.

If you use it for relationship buidling it is.

For him facebook was playing. And when it dod not feel like playing, he stopped.

Facebook adds are very targeted.

Are you demonstrating value by being generous on facebook?

Podcast is broadcast but does not bring many relationshipos.

Erica has an open group. Because she likes long, deep relationships.

Sell to yourself 5 years ago.

Notice what lights you up, and also find your heart break.


The test for the kind of client you want to serve: would you like to have lunch with them? If not, then it’s not your customer.

You can only build relationships if you are authentic

4 values that will get attention in marketing:

useful, touching, funny, prvocative,

It will no get attention if it is not one of those 4.

The most important, is authentic.

And the most important thing is not to sell immediately.

If you think social media is for selling, you are doing it wrong.

If in doubt be useful.

Clubhouse is the new thing.

You can als mux them.

Email is 100 times better than social media.

Your email list is much better.

Most of what you blog will be ignoerd.

Do a post, if people like it improve it, if people really like it make it a course.

To be known in cmmunity show up regularly.

You have to keep showing up, which means you have to like it


You don’t have to do social media.

Does social media establish your authority?

Does it give you trust in your community.?

All marketing is about building safety.

Do I have my customers interest at heart, or am I simply trying to extract money from them?

If you are a good fit, I want your money, and it is a win win.

It is either win win or lose lose.

Win lose is also lose lose because someone will talk badly about you and lose you 10 customers.

Refer people who are not a good fit to others.

Notice when you get corrupt. It happens in a small way before it happens in a big way.

You lose your heart.

You can feel it in your body, and other people will feel it too.

It’s alright. You don’t need this sell.

Another will come.

When you are traumatised, trust is broken.

Comes from a scarcity mindset.

Sith: is smash and grab

jedi is long term relationship.

Brave, vulnerable

Here is day 5

The Marketing Dojo sessions are for coaches, trainers, facilitators – anyone working with the body through yoga, dance, martial arts, meditation etc. But more specifically, people wanting to: • Get more (and better) clients • Build a better relationship with money • Learn how to sell your work more authentically • Actually enjoy selling your work and passion • Earn a healthy, sustainable income doing what you love

You have gifts and it is nice to bring them in the world.

There is a flow that you are healthier and happier if you follow a mission from Our Heavenly Father (that’s what I say, Mark called it differently).

Erica: Describes being able to market as a reconnection to an internal sense of worth that is independent of other people’s acceptance or rejection.

Listen to this

George Kao gives the 80/20 rule. Do 80 % free, 20% paid.

He also talks about having to detox from business school because of the phony marketing techniques taught there.

Another valuable session. with Mark, clearly an ethical coach.

Mark Walsh highly recommends George Kao. I see why. Check this:

George Kao says: if you are genuinely interested you are genuinely interesting to your audience.

He compares your ideal audience as friends that you are comfortable with, instead of keeping up a front. You can be yourself.

Be with your audience as if you are with a dear friend. Don’t try to get attention. Be yourself and see who shows up. Run facebook adds or instagram adds, and your ideal audience will spread the word about you.

This one is good too:

He is right that the Pauline quote from 1 Timothy 6:10 is “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”, which is also in line with the Greek.

On a side note: It is actually the King James version that mistranslates this text by saying the love of money is the root of all evil, and then people misquote that again into money is the root of all evil.

Service is what service can I provide that the world needs.

Stewardship is having self restraint to spend our money wisely.

But not all of them are, so be wise in how you approach all this. Never invest more than you can afford, no matter how much pressure there is.

If you want information, you can google it for free. If you want friends, if you need to pay people to work with you, they aren’t friends. And if they claim all your wins and blame you for all your fails even if you failed while following their advice, that’s not helping, that’s credit hogging. Frankly, you should not even want to be paid to allow that, much less pay others to do that to you. Even if you don’t have money, you can learn a lot drom free webinars, websites and books. Don’t go for expensive programs if you can’t pay for them .People can go broke from those , as you can see here:

So be careful, use your common sense, don’t do anything that doesn’t feel 100% right and don’t invest what you can’t afford, including your time.

I think the best way to summarize the difference between reliable and unreliable coaches is: does what they say align with Yeshua’s Teaching or not. In other words, does it align with doing for others what you would wish they would do for you? Does it align with loving Our Heavenly Father above all else with all your soul, all your mind, all your heart and all your strength, in other words is it fair, true, loving and healthy?

Sometimes it is a mix. In that case, politely confront them with what does not. Then you both learn.

Are they telling you to not listen to logic, to ditch your friends and family? To ignore your talents in order to sell their products? Then they are dangerous. Get away.

Look around. Do you have friends who have fallen for schemes like this? Be there for them if they want to come out. They will need you.

The warnings are for MLM’s and fake guru’s, but the dangers of so called legit institutions and companies are just as big.


Plenty of reason to transition away from such industries.

Unfortunately, this corrupt way of thinking is everywhere, even in churches:

The Dark World of Megachurches

1Feb 27, 2022

James Jani
1.01M subscribersSUBSCRIBEDMegachurches, Televangelists, and the Prosperity Gospel… those were things that I had never heard of before… until I stumbled across an infamous interview with Kenneth Copeland by Lisa Guerrero from Inside Edition. What ensued after was a dive into rabbit hole unlike any other, from corrupt preachers, to lavish lifestyles, to claims of miracle healings, to cult-ish followings, and New Age/New Thought concepts. This… is the dark world of Megachurches.

So how can you live a pure wholesome life?

It starts with pure convictions.

This flow chart can help you find what they are.

Find your soul purpose and pursue it wisely!

Here are some questions you can answer to help you discover your brand.

Not everyone wants to start their own business. You may well think of working for an ethical company.

Here is some advice from an actual recruitment officer who teaches this at a university on how to go about your job interview

You are not a failure if you have a 9 to 5. Anyone doing honest work is a hero, and can feel very good about it and about him or herself, and should. As long as you are true to yourself and your ideals,you are doing great! Not so much so if you are judging others. Our salvation depends on it, so don’t judge but love!

Some motivational quotes from BeYet:



1Joe Dispenza, Evan Carmichael, YouTube, September 4, 2021,

2Joe Dispenza, Evan Carmichael, YouTube, September 4, 2021,

3Joe Dispenza, Evan Carmichael, YouTube, September 4, 2021,

4Oxytocin attenuates amygdala reactivity to fear in generalized social anxiety disorder, PubMed, August 18, 2010, Labuschagne I, Phan KL, Wood A, Angstadt M, Chua P, Heinrichs M, Stout JC, Nathan PJ. Oxytocin attenuates amygdala reactivity to fear in generalized social anxiety disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2010 Nov;35(12):2403-13. doi: 10.1038/npp.2010.123

. Epub 2010 Aug 18. PMID: 20720535; PMCID: PMC3055328

Izelle Labuschagne 1K Luan PhanAmanda WoodMike AngstadtPhyllis ChuaMarkus HeinrichsJulie C StoutPradeep J Nathan ,
School of Psychology and Psychiatry, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

5Joe Dispenza, Evan Carmichael, YouTube, September 4, 2021,

6Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress, PubMed, December 1, 2004,

Epel ES, Blackburn EH, Lin J, Dhabhar FS, Adler NE, Morrow JD, Cawthon RM. Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Dec 7;101(49):17312-5. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0407162101. Epub 2004 Dec 1. PMID: 15574496; PMCID:Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,PMC534658 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0407162101

Elissa S Epel 1Elizabeth H BlackburnJue LinFirdaus S DhabharNancy E AdlerJason D MorrowRichard M Cawthon ,Department of Psychiatry, University of California, 3333 California Street, Suite 465, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA.

How to Set Up Pre-orders for Self-Published Books, Author Learning Center,

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Published by lemoulindelaramisse

Tips for Sustainable living with Style, from wishes, to plans to skills.

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