In order to do for others what you would wish they would do for you, and love your neighbor as yourself, you need to do for yourself what you would wish others would do for themselves and love yourself as you would wish others would love themselves.

Love starts with knowing, and knowing starts with asking, and asking starts with being curious.

Discovering your brand is a useful way to discover your strengths and weaknesses, what you love and what you hate, so you can find out how you can make your way in the world doing what you love and being an inspiration to others while doing your share in solving problems in the world and helping to bring paradise.

Thus finding your brand is a wonderful way to bring the spiritual into the practical and lead a harmonious life where you can make a living doing what you love, and love living, and help make the world a better place.

Your brand is a way to package your gifts in a way that they are recognizable for others and you can use them to serve others, and at the same time attract wealth by the value you bring to others.

Finding your brand is a fun and productive way to soul search.

Your brand is very personal. Your business should look like you, sound like you and its values should align with your values. 

The ABC of branding is: Your brand should be:

A. Authentic to you, have your DNA.

B. Built to last, subliminale, solid, something people can trust. It should have consistency.

C. Created to support you in having a significant impact on the world. And that is not about numbers, it is about fairness, truth, love and health.

The 5 pillars of a legacy brand can be  described in the acronym LASER:

L. LegacyWhat do you want to build that will outlast you? Why does the business exist? What is your story? Why does it matter? Why you?

A. Brand archetypes Secret Sauce. They tell a story and they are a short cut to meaning. What is your brand archetype? Find out by answering the questions below.

S.Your Story. Wherever you  go, you take your story with you. What is your story? Find out by answering the questions below.

E. Expression, everyone looks for that look and feel of the brand. What is the ook and feel of your brand?

 R. Results: A business and a brand should not live independently.  One should not exist without the other. They should work together. How do your business and brand work together?

Discover your brand in 21 questions, which you can fill in in your very own Brand Chart (Click the link to upload and fill it in).

4 questions to discover your purpose, 

4 questions to discover your ikigai and 

12 questions to discover your archetype

And a bonus question where you describe your brand in 3 words.


1. What do you love? That reveals a gift that’s in you.

2. What do you hate? That’s what you were born to fix.

3.What makes you cry? That’s what you heal best.

4.What annoys you?  That’s what you are best at solving.

Ikigai: basically means that you plan your activities at the intersection between what you love, your mission, what you are good at, your passion, your profession, your vocation, what you think the world needs and what you can get paid for.

What are you good at?

What do you love?

What do you think the world needs?

What can you be paid for?

Profession: What are you good at that you can get paid for?

Passion:What are you good at that you love?

Mission: What do you love that you think the world needs?

Vocation:  What do you think the world needs that you can get paid for?

Ikigai: What do you love that you are good at and can get paid for that you think the world needs? 

Or: What service or product that does not exist but which you wish existed can you provide? 

Michel Neray says:

-What you do is your product. What do you do?

-How you do what you do is your brand. How  do you do what you do? 

-Why you do what you do how you do it is your story.  Why do you do what you do how you do it?


Look for the 3 archetypes that suit you best.

Read them all, put down “yes” under the ones that are  you, “no” under the ones that are not you and “a little “ under the ones that are kind of you.

 Highlight the yes’s in yellow: with underneath number 1 for the top, 2 for the middle, 3. for the least.

Highlight orange for a little.

Red letters for “no”

The Innocent 


Free to be you and me 

Core desire: 

To experience paradise 

Goal: To be happy 

Greatest fear: To be punished for doing something bad or wrong 

+Strategy: To do things right 

Weakness: Boring for all their naive innocence 

Talent: Faith and optimism 

The Innocent is also known as: Muse, traditionalist, naive, mystic, saint, romantic, dreamer. 


Motto: All men and women are created equal 

Core Desire: Connecting with others 

Goal: To belong 

Greatest fear: To be left out or to stand out from the crowd 

Strategy: Develop ordinary solid virtues, be down to earth, the common touch 

Weakness: Losing one’s own self in an effort to blend in or for the sake of superficial relationships Talent: Realism, empathy, lack of pretense 

Everyman is also known as: The regular guy/gal, the orphan, the good old boy, everyman, the realist, the working stiff, the solid citizen, the good neighbor, the silent majority. 

The Hero 

Motto: Where there’s a will, there’s a way 

Core desire: To prove one’s worth through courageous acts 

Goal: Expert mastery in a way that improves the world 

Greatest fear: Weakness, vulnerability, being a “chicken” 

Strategy: To be as strong and competent as possible 

Weakness: Arrogance, always needing another battle to fight 

Talent: Competence and courage 

The Hero is also known as: The warrior, crusader, rescuer, superhero, the soldier, dragon slayer, the winner and the team player. 

The Caregiver 

Motto: Love your neighbor as yourself 

Core desire: To protect and care for others 

Goal: To help others 

Greatest fear: Selfishness and ingratitude 

Strategy: Doing things for others 

Weakness: Martyrdom and being exploited 

Talent: Compassion, generosity 

The Caregiver is also known as: The saint, altruist, parent, helper, support 

The Explorer 

Motto: Don’t fence me in 

Core desire: The freedom to find out who you are through exploring the world 

Goal: To experience a better, more authentic, more fulfilling life 

Biggest fear: Getting trapped, conformity, and inner emptiness 

Strategy: Journey, seeking out and experiencing new things, escape from boredom 

Weakness: Aimless wandering, becoming a misfit 

Talent: Autonomy, ambition, being true to one’s own soul 

The explorer is also known as: The seeker, wanderer, adventurer, individualist, pilgrim. 

The Rebel 

Motto: Rules are made to be broken 

Core desire: Revenge or revolution 

Goal: To overturn what isn’t working 

Greatest fear: To be powerless or ineffectual 

Strategy: Disrupt, destroy, or shock 

Weakness: Crossing over to the dark side, crime 

Talent: Outrageousness, radical freedom 

The Rebel is also known as: The Outlaw, revolutionary, the villain, wild man/woman, misfit. 

The Lover 

Motto: You’re the only one 

Core desire: Intimacy and experience 

Goal: Being in a relationship with the people, work and surroundings they love 

Greatest fear: Being alone, a wallflower, unwanted, unloved 

Strategy: To become more and more physically and emotionally attractive 

Weakness: Outward-directed desire to please others at risk of losing own Identity 

Talent: Passion, gratitude, appreciation, and commitment 

The Lover is also known as: The partner, friend, intimate, enthusiast, sensualist, spouse, Teambuilder. 

The Creator 

Motto: If you can imagine it, it can be done 

Core desire: To create things of enduring value 

Goal: To realize a vision 

Greatest fear: Mediocre vision or execution 

Strategy: Develop artistic control and skill 

Task: To create culture, express own vision 

Weakness: Perfectionism, bad solutions 

Talent: Creativity and imagination 

The Creator is also known as: The artist, inventor, innovator, musician, writer or dreamer. 

The Jester 

Motto: You only live once 

Core desire: To live in the moment with full enjoyment 

Goal: To have a great time and lighten up the world 

Greatest fear: Being bored or boring others 

Strategy: Play, make jokes, be funny 

Weakness: Frivolity, wasting time 

Talent: Joy 

The Jester is also known as: Provocateur, trickster, entertainer, practical joker or comedian. 

The Sage 

Motto: The truth will set you free 

Core desire: To find the truth. 

Goal: To use intelligence and analysis to understand the world. 

Biggest fear: Being duped, misled; ignorance. 

Strategy: Seeking out information and knowledge; self-reflection and understanding thought processes. 

Weakness: Can study details forever and never act. 

Talent: Wisdom, intelligence. 

The Sage is also known as: The expert, scholar, detective, advisor, thinker, philosopher, academic, researcher, planner, professional, mentor, teacher, contemplative. 

The Magician 

Motto: I make things happen. 

Core desire: Understanding the fundamental laws of the universe 

Goal: To make dreams come true 

Greatest fear: Unintended negative consequences 

Strategy: Develop a vision and live by it 

Weakness: Becoming manipulative 

Talent: Finding win-win solutions 

The Magician is also known as: The visionary, alchemist, catalyst, inventor, charismatic leader, shaman, healer, medicine man. 

The Ruler 

Motto: Power isn’t everything, it’s the only thing. 

Core desire: Control 

Goal: Create a prosperous, successful family or community 

Strategy: Exercise power 

Greatest fear: Chaos, being overthrown 

Weakness: Being authoritarian, unable to delegate 

Talent: Responsibility, leadership 

The Ruler is also known as: The boss, leader, aristocrat, king, queen, politician, role model, manager or administrator.

See how your archetypes fit in the archetype wheel and what their colours are:

Blue:Creator (Innovation) , Ruler(Content) , Caregiver(Service): Provide structure to the world.

Green: Innocent(Safety) , Sage (Understanding) , Explorer (Freedom) : Yearn for Paradise.

Yellow: Rebel (Liberation), Magician (Power), Hero (Mastery): Leave a mark on the world.

Red: Lover (intimacy), Jester (Enjoyment), Everyman (Belonging) : Connect with others.

Some use other colours: 

3 words to describe your brand: 

Fill this Brand Chart in and come back to it now and then to see how your answers evolve or change, or maybe stay the same. 

Begin with the end in mind, end with the beginning in mind, and always think, what is the best step to take next, and take that with the following step in mind.

Service plus Significance equals Success.

-Oprah Winfrey

Doing what you love is not only important for your success, it also helps your body make the happiness proteins, which are very important for your health.

It’s the sweet spot of being self aware but not selfish, so you can serve more, and serve better,with more happiness and effect, and thus with more satisfaction.

Combine that with an oxytocin promoting work environment and you are all set for a health and happiness promoting way o life.

Listen to professor Paul Zak’s explanation how to achieve that:

The Moral Molecule | Paul Zak | Talks at Google, March 24, 2015

So find what you love to do so much you would do it for free, perfect your skills and make a living living the life you love!

For more soul search tools, see: Soul Search Tools: Which are useful, which are not?


Angela Durant

Linda Babulic

Melissa Hughes

Oprah Winfrey

Professor Paul Zak

Map and Fire, Branding and Digital marketing Services to grow your business, 

Sustainable Ways of Attracting Wealth,4wins4u,  August 15, 2021, Anna Elize

Brand Chart

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Published by lemoulindelaramisse

Tips for Sustainable living with Style, from wishes, to plans to skills.

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